Archive | Acne

Still Fighting your Acne?

If you suffer from long standing acne and have tried various facials and microdermabrasions, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough, you may want to consider DermaSweep Epi-Infusions.  This revolutionary system, available only to licensed medical physicians, combines precision brush tip bristles of varying coarseness for exfoliation, and topical solutions known as Epi-Infusion Treatments.  […]

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“Super Food” for your Face with SeaWeed!

Spirulina is a type of oceanic algae that contains a wide array of nutrients, known as one of the “super foods,” but did you know it can treat acne as well?  Spirulina contains high-quality proteins and large concentrations of vitamins and minerals, including the B complex vitamins, which help heal inflamed skin.  It is an […]

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To Peel or not to Peel?

In today’s market there are many advertisements for peels and a lot of options! There are superficial peels, medium peels and deep peels. Your choice of peel will depend on your skin type and main concern as well as your availability for downtime. Dr. Wright’s Tip Peels have been around for many years and exfoliating […]

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Now is the Time to get a Chemical Peel

Chemical peels are the best thing next to having new skin. It allows you to rid the skin of dull, crepey, pigmented skin which then allows new fresh youthful skin to appear. However, chemical peels can be difficult in the summer because of the strong UV rays and the blistering summer heat. That is why […]

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Your Cell Phone could be the Culprit of your Reoccurring Pimple

If that same stubborn pimple keeps reappearing, you may want to wipe down your phone’s mouthpiece with an alcohol pad every day. Public phones, key boards and other hand held devices are used every day and who knows when was the last time they were cleaned. Bacteria, dirt and debris collect and build up on […]

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Avoid Touching your Face During the Day!

We use our hands to touch everything! Our hands carry nasty bacteria that can be transferred to anyone and anything. Even the common cold involves the transfer of bacteria from hands and other objects. This also applies to bacteria that cause acne which can be transferred by your hands. Oils from your hands get transferred […]

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What is the Difference between Nodular Acne and Cystic Acne?

  Acne can be difficult to cope with and hard to handle, but one form of acne, cystic acne, is the most difficult. Cystic acne has numerous causes: you can get it by genetics, your diet, bad habits, stress, and your lifestyle. Cystic acne feels like large inflamed lumps of fluid under the skin surface […]

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