Skin Care and Aging Treatments in Plano & Frisco, TX

COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY AND SKIN CARE FOR Plano, Frisco, and the Dallas Fortworth metroplex in Texas

Sun damage can occur quite easily and as we age, our skin thins and these changes become more noticeable. Even more disconcerting is waking up in the morning, taking a glance in the mirror, and seeing what looks like “instant aging” – lines and wrinkles that seem to appear overnight! How well you care for your skin from a young age, and how much you limit sun exposure can make a difference in wrinkle formation. The good news is that now with the many advances in cosmetic medicine many men and woman can follow a time line of skincare that can help you safely get started on your journey to the fountain of youth!

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Fiona WRxIGHT MD Skincare

Since 2004, Dr. Wright has been committed to creating unique and effective antiaging and corrective skin care solutions that are backed by scientific research and developed with premier ingredients, natural active botanicals and formulated to the highest standards following G.M.P (Good Manufacturing Practices) guidelines that ensure purity and quality.

Not satisfied with other average-quality products that make bold promises but then failed to deliver, Dr. Wright hand selects high performance ingredients that are not a “one-size-fits-all”. To that end, she assembles focus groups and develops new products based on the main skin concerns of men and women.


When creating beauty solutions for her patients, at a price people can afford, Dr. Wright performs intensive research into the latest, most effective raw materials, and studies the latest information from the American Academy of Dermatology and formulation experts. With this data, Dr. Wright harnesses the potent powers of the finest quality ingredients and offers exceptional formulations that really work on every skin type.  To learn more and purchase products, visit our


  1. Spotlight on Sun Protection
  2. Invest in Exfoliation
  3. Antiaging Anti- Oxidants
  4. Intensive Moisture
  5. Regenerative Skin care

Facing your 20’s


At Home

Generally in your 20’s your skin is looking great, but that does not mean you have to accept the inevitable aging that follows. Sun exposure will cause a breakdown of collagen creating loose, dull and rough skin. Now is the time to stop sun-damage from getting worse by applying a UVA/UVB sun block with SPF 30 or higher on a daily basis. For those with sensitive skin or suffer with acne, rosacea or eczema it is important to use a sunscreen that is high in zinc oxide, like our formulated Matte Finish SPF 30 and our certified organic Sun Shield SPF 30—and avoid chemical based ingredients.

At Skin MD and Beyond

The second problem encountered is facing leftover or ongoing teenage acne which can create long-lasting scars. There are many treatments that are simple and cost effective. Chemical Peels and Facials can help with mild superficial pigmentation and control acne. These treatments help stimulate peeling of the top layer of the skin, allowing healthy, newer skin to show.

As you Reach your 30’s


At Home

Although you retain much of your youthful look, you may begin to notice that your complexion looks “tired” and less radiant. And your skin begins to show the effects of sun damage. Now is the time when exfoliation becomes important. At-home options include scrubs, light Glycolics (10-15%) and Micro Skincare Polishes.

Retinoids have many published studies which shown the skin-saving effects of topical vitamin A derivatives (retinoid family) and its ability to increase collagen production (plumping your skin), speed up cell turnover (smoothing your complexion) and unclog pores (reducing breakouts).  A prescription strength of Vitamin A from your doctor can provide the best benefits. However it can be extremely irritating to your skin and an over-the-counter Retinol may be a better choice.

At Skin MD and Beyond

In-office procedures will provide more dramatic benefits and Dr. Wright commonly recommends Medical-Strength Microdermabrasions and DermaSweep treatments for our patients which can get rid of small imperfections and keep that “youthful glow” a few years longer. If brown spots continue to be a problem, don’t waste your time with bleaching agents—remove it quickly with Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatments, which also are called PhotoFacials. The light used in this treatment is absorbed by the pigmented areas and helps bring the pigment to the surface of the skin so it can flake off over a few days. Similarly the light can shrink blood vessels, thus reducing redness. Additionally IPL treatments done regularly help stimulate collagen, which helps your skin with fine lines and wrinkles.

Entering your 40’s


At Home

The most annoying problem at this age is wrinkles due to movement and volume loss. You will begin to really notice the crow’s feet around your eyes, the dreaded “11’s” or frown lines and the lines around your mouth. Your home skincare should include potent antioxidants. Antioxidants disable free radicals, the molecules generated by sun, pollution and other sources, which damage the DNA of healthy skin cells, leading to wrinkles, discoloration and possibly cancer. Studies have shown that topical Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin A, C and E, and Green Tea offer great anti-aging benefits and a “mix of antioxidants” creates the best result! To learn more and purchase our Age Defense Skincare products click here.

At Skin MD and Beyond

In-office procedures with Botox / Dysport and Injectable Facial Fillers like Restylane and Juvéderm can work miracles, taking years off your appearance. The surest way to smooth creases you’re already noticing and prevent more, are the injectable benefits of Botox and Dysport which will temporarily relax facial muscles so they can’t create wrinkles.

One of the major advances in medical aesthetics over the last decade has been the understanding of the effects of the aging process of the face and skin. It has been shown to be largely due volume loss. If we want to add volume back under the skin to return it to a more youthful look, the only way to achieve this is to physically put something into the areas that need volume and hydration – a process of ‘filling’ the volume loss. The commonest and easiest way to do this is by using Facial Fillers.

Getting into your 50’s


At Home

While the effects of aging may appear unavoidable, a number of topical nutrients have been scientifically proven to slow down the damage and maintain a youthful appearance.

Blueberry Extract is both an anti-oxidant and anti-glycation ingredient that can delay the aging process. In one study, this aromatic supercharged fruit revealed that when 63 women, aged 45-61 years, applied a topical mixture daily for three months, 100% of the participants noted a significant improvement in their skin. Dr. Wright not only promotes eating blueberries on a daily basis – she also put blueberry extract in her Fiona WRxIGHT MD Skincare Bio-Repair Mask.

The loss of hormones causes a decline in collagen, elastin and hydration. Your home skincare should now include rich moisturizers and if you haven’t already started, this is the decade to use a night cream. Topical Hyaluronic Acid is an extremely effective humectant for rehydrating, smoothing and firming the skin.  The catch is that the product must contain a minimum of 60% Hyaluronic Acid for the benefit of reversing aging topically, which can be found in our Fiona WRxIGHT MD Skincare Pure Hydrating Serum.

At Skin MD and Beyond

In office procedures should begin to address the textural changes of aging and laxity. Dr. Wright’s favorite non-surgical device for Laser Resurfacing Rejuvenation is the ResurFX Resurfacing Laser where our patients experience significant improvement in tightness and texture and it can treat the aging changes on the face, neck and chest! ResurFX is the only true fractional non-ablative technology- and one pass is all it takes! An improvement to Fraxel, which requires multiple passes, ResurFX offers advanced protection against overheating the skin, and provides significant patient comfort during treatment.

In your 60’s and Beyond


At Home

At this time Regenerative Skin Care is a must! Growth Factors and Stem Cell Technology are products that have biologically active ingredients that can have many positive effects on your skin, including promoting new collagen, softening fine lines and wrinkles, and it can leave your skin more taught and youthful!

Dr. Wright’s Fiona WRxIGHT MD Skincare Réparatif Oil-free Lotion and Réparatif Bio-Cream have been formulated to counteract the effects of environmental aggression and fight wrinkles and fine lines by delivering powerful anti-aging formulas to the skin. They will also even out the skin tone by removing or reducing discolorations and/or brown spots from sun damage or hyperpigmentation. After only a few weeks of use, the skin is noticeably smoother, healthier and firmer!

At Skin MD and Beyond

In your 60’s, aging will show up two different ways; 1) Skin laxity and sagging become more apparent, and 2) Fat pads disappear and you lose volume in your face. At this time, Dr. Wright recommends a “one-two combination” to address both! Thermi-RF (Radiofrequency Tightening) and Voluma Facial Lifting Filler are the two magic wands she reaches for to turn back the hand of time.

Thermi-RF is a radiofrequency technology that is offered in three different way to address individual concerns;

  • ThermiSMOOTH is a non-invasive treatment to tighten superficial skin laxity of the eyes, face, jawline and neck.
  • ThermiSHAPE is a non-invasive treatment that can tighten skin and reduce inches. This treatment is very popular for heavier jawlines and necks as well as all body areas.
  • ThermiTIGHT is a minimally invasive procedure which involves a tiny needle being inserted just underneath the skin to melt fat and tighten the skin for extreme sagging of the neck or jowls.

What features make the “Ideal Youthful Face”? Volume!

As the face ages, our cheeks flatten as volume disappears and your profile “goes South”. So to restore your youth it is important to re-volumize your mid-face with prominent, high, and fully contoured cheeks. VOLUMA Facial Lifting Filler can be used to treat and lift the cheeks, marionette and nasal folds, jowls and chin and other areas of the face that may be affected by aging. The results are visible immediately and continue to improve over several months. Re-volumization with fillers is a safe procedure with very little downtime or discomfort. Restoration of facial volume with fillers creates a natural and long-lasting youthful appearance. Drs. Wright are known for their skill in making patients look younger, healthier and not overdone with facial fillers. They will provide you with a refreshing and natural looking lift, helping to restore contour and a more youthful profile, for up to 2 years!

Read what our patients are saying!

WOW!!!!…..STOP THE CLOCK and let’s put some years back on your FACE…My visit was on 18th Aug 2017….I’ve been dealing with under eye bags with dark circles for the past 10 years. Made an appointment for fillers few weeks back. Me being me of course I was nervous. I had a tired, worn down look, not getting enough sleep look..The Doctor immediately knew why I was there just by seeing the bags under my eyes. He began to educate me on fillers and the different brands. He also informed me that the fatty swollen tissue, under eye puffiness, and soarness, redness was due to my eyes not draining probably which was related to allergic conjunctivitis…he gave a prescription for that…..Ok, let’s go back to the fillers..after filler injection on right eye he showed me a comparison…..OMG….i was half way to heaven…lol… heart begin to race rapidly with happiness and joy…..he went to my left eye….
..All I can say……I have Literally been in the mirror sense 5am this morning in amazement…..I’ve been rejuvenated, I’ve been eyes has been lifted….DID THIS PLACE DROP OUT OF HEAVEN….. Daniel

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Cosmetic Skin Care Specialist Plano, TX