Two of the most stubborn and hard-to-treat skin-care problems are blackheads and enlarged pores. Simply put, they’re tough to eliminate completely. What Are Blackheads? In general a closed comedone is a whitehead, while an open comedone is called a blackhead. Blackheads or whiteheads are generally caused by blockage of the sebaceous or oil glands found near the surface of the skin and excrete an oily substance known as sebum. Surprisingly, the visible black head isn’t caused by dirt, but by the sebum mixing with dead skin cells and oxidizing when it hits the air. Blackheads are those little black spots that appear around the nose, chin and foreheads – and anywhere else on the body they wish to rear their ugly “heads”.
The oil producing glands are called sebaceous glands and are very sensitive to hormonal changes specially during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation and can lead to an increase in the production of sebum and an increased risk of blackheads. The sebaceous glands produce too much oil in the pores, which accumulates and gets stuck. When the occluded oil is exposed to air it becomes black. It is believed blackheads appear at the initial stage of acne appearance and form before bacteria penetrates the patient’s skin. A blackhead can subsequently develop into a pimple, known as a papule or pustule. The good news is that getting rid of blackheads is easy through proper skin cleansing and extraction methods.
It’s important to know that you can’t actually “shrink” your pores. They’re nothing but small openings in the skin — because they don’t have muscles, they can’t open or close. So although you can’t physically change the structure of your pores by making them smaller, there are things that you can do to minimize their appearance.
Medical Grade Chemical Peels
Exfoliating and Acne Facials
Microdermabrasion and DermaSweep
Dermal Infusion Therapy
Dermapen Skin Needling
ReSurFX Laser Resurfacing
The appearance of blackheads varies based on many things including age, skin care regimen, hormone status and heredity. There are only some aspects of these variables that we can control. Vitamin A Retinoic derivatives (Retinoids) are the absolute best way to clear clogged pores and prevent blackheads from forming. Prescription-strength formulations are the most effective, but they can also be extremely irritating to the skin. These work on receptors in the skin to improve the way skin grows and sheds so that it is less likely to form acne. The outer skin layer (epidermis) evens out and gets thicker while the outer dead layer of keratin material sheds more efficiently. Noticeable peeling will occur for four to six weeks which will lessen overtime.
For those who do not want the unsightly shedding caused by retinoids – the next best way to prevent and control the appearance of blackheads is to regularly clean your skin with a gentle cleanser each night before bedtime and scrub your skin gently with a Salicylic, Lactic or Glycolic base exfoliants which can also remove the dirt and unclog the skin pore blockage to keep it healthy and supple.
Dr. Wright has successfully formulated unique products to help against all levels of acne and designed for all skin types. Products offered in our Fiona WRxIGHT MD Skincare line which can be purchased at are;
Exfoliating Cleanser Dual Action BP Scrub
3 in 1 Acne Cleanser Purifying Cleansing Mousse
Purifying Citrus Cleanser MicroPolish
Purifying Toner Zinc-Aid Toner
Bee Beautiful Purifying Serum Acne Quick Fix
Clear Skin Repair Cream Artic Mineral Mask
Therapeutic Acne Mask
Medical Grade Chemical Peels
Salicylic and Glycolic Acid Peels are very effective to break down oil in clogged pores. These acids are lipophilic (attracted to fat/oils) and concentrate at the surface of the pore to dissolve the plugs. Consistent use of a series of mild chemical peels can clear away blackheads and blemishes and it refines the skin. It seems to actually ‘retrain’ your skin into functioning in a healthier manner, too. To learn more click here.
Exfoliating and Acne Facials
If you are interested in being very proactive but want a relaxing treatment without the downtime of chemical peels then regular facials, focused to refine the pores, reduce bacteria and regulate oil production should be just what the doctor ordered! Under the direct supervision of Dr. Wright, you will leave relaxed and with clear glowing skin that’s super refreshed. To learn more click here.
Microdermabrasions and DermaSweeps
Both these medical grade professional treatments are specialized where the skin is exfoliated by a customized textured brush or crystal spray and a controlled central vacuum. Exfoliation is great for many skin conditions including acne and sun damage, and is very helpful in clearing and maintaining your pores. The outer layer of skin is removed leaving a smooth textured layer underneath. By resurfacing the top layer of the skin to a precise depth by the combination of an exfoliation and vacuum process, we can remove dead skin cells, stimulate blood flow, and the deeper dermal level is stimulated to produce collagen and fibroblasts (collagen producing cells), giving the skin a more supple elastic appearance. The result is fresher, healthier, rejuvenated skin with enhanced surface quality. To learn more click here.
Dermal Infusion Therapy
Our Dermal Infusion Therapy offers the exfoliation treatment of a DermaSweep with the facial infusion of effective enzymes and acids into the skin and pores to emulsify the clogged black and whiteheads. We perform this treatment to reduce pores on the face, particularly the forehead, chin, and nose. The skin provides a barrier, mainly through lipids (oils) between skin cells and by actively increasing the penetration of important topical ingredients we can improve the health and appearance of your skin, making it appear smoother, younger and blemish free. To learn more click here.
Dermapen Skin Needling
Dermapen is the latest innovation in skin needling and collagen induction therapy and is quickly becoming the optimal choice in skin rejuvenation due to its low risk profile and minimal downtime. The Dermapen treatments use a precise needling technique that results in increased collagen and elastin in the treated area. You can expect smoother skin that looks refreshed, restored and youthful. The Dermapen treatments will result in a more refined appearance of the pores. There are two main culprits that contribute to the appearance of enlarged pores. The first is congested skin. When your pores are congested, this will increase their appearance. Secondly, pores will appear larger as our skin begins to age and the elasticity of our skin decreases. The Dermapen treatments stimulate collagen and elastin, which results in firming of the skin, thereby reducing the appearance of large pores. To learn more click here.
ReSurFX Laser Resurfacing
“Fractional non-ablative” resurfacing is truly effective in reducing wrinkles, pores, acne scars, and stretch marks. The ResurFX laser possesses the technology that allows true non-ablative skin resurfacing with wavelength as effective as Fraxel Restore. What sets ResurFX apart is the ability to cover the same surface in one pass of the laser hand piece, as compared with 8 passes for Fraxel!
The ResurFX laser’s unique design allows us to treat microscopically small treatment zones surrounded by untreated areas for very rapid healing and dramatic results. As the treated area begins to heal, a layer of new skin appears, encouraging collagen production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and shrinking pores – restoring a healthier, more vibrant appearance. To learn more click here.
You might feel like you’ve tried everything to clear out your pores and reduce the blackheads, but, in fact, most people end up using products or treatments that actually make matters worse. To achieve the best results possible, you need to know exactly what works and what doesn’t. Dr. Wright and her years of expertise will help guide you through what works to alleviate these problems and help you choose the right products and procedures to consistently let you see a definite improvement. Call today!