Nasal Folds in Plano & Frisco, TX

Recommended treatments

  • Facial Fillers

For soft, subtle results that leave you looking your best, one of the most common treatments requested by our patients is to treat the nasolabial folds, the creases formed on either side of the mouth and nose
Facial Fillers work extremely well to remove wrinkles and deeper folds known as the nasolabial folds that are a result of lost facial volume that occurs as we age. With this volume loss the skin begins to “fall down” and etched lines get deeper – creating a fatigued and saddened appearance. With proper placement, fillers such as Juvéderm, Restylane, Perlane and Radiesse can result in significant reduction of the folds creating a more rested, youthful and less tired appearance.



Cosmetic Skin Care Specialist Plano, TX