Archive | Healthy Skin

What is a Microdermabrasion Facial Treatment?

  The benefits of microdermabrasion facial treatments include lessening of the many signs of aging, such as; Dull Skin, Hyperpigmentation, Enlarged or Clogged Pores, and Rough Skin Texture. They’re one of those instant gratification treatments that stay with you. Tips from Dr. Fiona Wright Microdermabrasion treatments exfoliate the top layer of the skin manually by […]

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The Ancient Romans were onto something….

THERAPEUTIC REFINING MASK is one of the oldest known acne treatments. It has Sulfur as one of its ingredients – the same materials matches are composed of! The ancient Romans were not wrong when they bathed themselves in hot sulfur springs to rid their bodies of various ailments and skin disorders; acne included. Referred to […]

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Acne is a Serious Matter, so Fix It, Quick!

Do you suffer from breakouts? Dr. Wright’s highly effective formula, Quick Fix, significantly reduces acne and targets oily skin. Its micro penetrating 5% Benzoyl Peroxide formulation is one of the most advanced acne bacteria and breakout treatments available.   Benzoyl Peroxide works by introducing oxygen into the pore, thereby killing the acne. There are 3 […]

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Still Fighting your Acne?

If you suffer from long standing acne and have tried various facials and microdermabrasions, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough, you may want to consider DermaSweep Epi-Infusions.  This revolutionary system, available only to licensed medical physicians, combines precision brush tip bristles of varying coarseness for exfoliation, and topical solutions known as Epi-Infusion Treatments.  […]

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“Super Food” for your Face with SeaWeed!

Spirulina is a type of oceanic algae that contains a wide array of nutrients, known as one of the “super foods,” but did you know it can treat acne as well?  Spirulina contains high-quality proteins and large concentrations of vitamins and minerals, including the B complex vitamins, which help heal inflamed skin.  It is an […]

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Cosmetic Skin Care Specialist Plano, TX