Archive | Clean Skin

Facing Your 30’s- The Key to Better Skin is Oatmeal!

Although you retain much of your youthful look, you may begin to notice that your complexion looks ‘tired’ and less radiant. Your skin begins to become drier and the sun-damage effects begin to appear. You’ve taken good care of your skin, but you’ll probably start noticing fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the eyes and […]

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Who has the Fairest Skin of them All?

Do you always dread it when the time comes to wash your face? Does your skin feel tight or waxy afterwards? Does it take an hour before your skin finally feels “normal” again? Your skin may be lacking the adequate hydration it needs and your facial cleanser may be stripping essential facial oils. If you […]

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How to get Smooth Summer Legs!

Are bumps, ingrown hairs, and rough skin to blame for not wearing shorts this summer? Bumps on a recently shaved area signifies skin irritation from shaving too close to the skin or improper pre and post shave skin regimen. Make sure you are taking the steps to prevent painful ingrown hairs, bumps and skin irritation […]

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What is a Microdermabrasion Facial Treatment?

  The benefits of microdermabrasion facial treatments include lessening of the many signs of aging, such as; Dull Skin, Hyperpigmentation, Enlarged or Clogged Pores, and Rough Skin Texture. They’re one of those instant gratification treatments that stay with you. Tips from Dr. Fiona Wright Microdermabrasion treatments exfoliate the top layer of the skin manually by […]

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Cosmetic Skin Care Specialist Plano, TX