Although you retain much of your youthful look, you may begin to notice that your complexion looks ‘tired’ and less radiant. Your skin begins to become drier and the sun-damage effects begin to appear.
You’ve taken good care of your skin, but you’ll probably start noticing fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the eyes and mouth. However, there is good news for 30 year olds! It’s never too late to start a great skincare regimen for you.
Read on for more skincare resources to maintain that youthful skin from your 20’s.
Dr. Fiona Wright’s Tip:
Premature signs of aging shouldn’t be overlooked! Our skin has its own built-in moisturizers that are oils produced by the skin glands, acting as a seal to contain water in our skin. But with aging and exposure to the Texas sun that layer gets stripped, and we lose water through our skin faster than we can replace it, and that causes dry skin… which will emphasize your wrinkles!
So moisturizers help ‘prevent’ wrinkles because it hydrates the skin and makes the skin moist and plump, therefore reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Found in my Fiona Wright MD Skincare line, RENEW, with Beta-Glucan being its number one ingredient, was highlighted on ABC American Health Front, as an exclusive and potent anti-aging formula! With the latest in superior peptide technology, this intensive treatment will target and diminish medium to deep surface wrinkles, and will tighten your skin to reduce the signs of aging.