Dry skin can happen any time during the year, but it is most prevalent in the winter. The harsh cold winter winds can be brutal and can dry out our skin, and bring unwanted dry, grey, dull skin. Your skin may also become more itchy and sensitive to any perfumes that you may use. With the heaters about to be turned on, now is the time to invest in a rich moisturizer or cream to prevent brittle dry skin. Remember to get the most out of your moisturizer you need to put it on within 5 minutes after getting out of the shower or bath – so it will lock in the hydration that you have.
Dr. Wright’s Tip
Although all of your skin will suffer during the cold winter season, your hands can look aged from becoming sore and chapped from being so dry. To make sure your hands are smooth and supple in the winter season make sure to protect with hydrators and SPF. It is especially important to take special care of your hands since the skin is thinner as compared to the skin on the rest of the body. Also it is a known fact that hands are among the first to show signs of aging, even if your face doesn’t! Choose a rich emollient-based body care lotion like our GREEN TEA BODY LOTION. This highly-effective moisturizer enriched with a special blend of antioxidants and green tea rapidly absorbs upon contact, which will deeply hydrate the skin throughout the day. By using immediately after bathing, you will help restore and invigorate your skin while adding to its smooth texture and elasticity.