Archive | Injectables

If you have Pain in your Jaw, or your Dentist has told you that you have TMJ Symptoms…. Then Good News! ….As you can find relief with BOTOX!

TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) Disorders can cause pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement. Many people who clench or grind their teeth while they sleep or throughout the day can develop this condition and it can be quite painful. Although there are several ways to help the pain which […]

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Get the Cheeks You Want…. without Surgery!

Aging can come with many changes such as fat loss and collagen depletion which show in our cheeks with the flattening in the center area of our face and cheeks. This can also accentuate sagging in other areas, such as the hollows under the eyes and the jowls, creating a downward turn of the lips.  […]

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The Path to Lush Lips Begins Here!

Pucker up and enjoy kissable lips on Valentine’s Day and all year long! Lips can tell all, especially your age. For most of us that includes thinning lips and wrinkles around the mouth and lips. So, don’t wait any longer and redefine your lips to create a fuller and more sensuous look, with RESTYLANE or […]

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“Bye-Bye” Bruises with Arnica!

Many times in our clinic we have to address the concerns of “easy bruisers”.  Dr. Wright herself states that she “can just look at the edge of a square table and get a bruise on her leg!”  For those of you who bruise and swell easy, getting facial fillers can be quite an ordeal with […]

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Facing Your 40’s- What You Need to Know

The most annoying problems at this age are volume loss and wrinkles caused by movement. You will begin to really notice crow’s feet and dark circles around your eyes, and the “dreaded 11’s” or frown lines.  Even more disconcerting is waking up one morning, taking a glance in the mirror, and seeing what looks like […]

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Out with the Old and In with the New! Get Rid of that Tired Look With An Eyebrow Lift!

As Dr. Fiona Wright tells many of her patients, “Stopping aging is easier than ever!” Thanks to the boom of non-invasive anti-aging procedures, everyone can choose from an extensive menu of smoothing, tightening and firming treatments that don’t involve a scalpel or extensive downtime. Changes around the eyes are among the first perceived signs of […]

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Cosmetic Skin Care Specialist Plano, TX