One of the things we hear daily from men and women alike, is the regret of being a sun worshiper for years- mostly because the repercussion of those years stares back at them in the mirror on a daily basis. As your age spots and facial veins make your skin look uneven and blotchy! Are you tired of being “red-faced”? Do the over-the-counter remedies fail to improve your areas of concern? Then Skin MD and Beyond has your answer – because our New M22 Photofacial works better than ever!
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Dr. Fiona Wright’s Tip:
A Photofacial is an Intense Pulse Light (IPL) therapy used to reduce skin imperfections such as sun damage, pigmentation, melasma or the “pregnancy mask”, red or brown acne scars, rosacea, skin flushing, facial veins and many more concerns in a safe and effective way.
As commented by, the Photofacial M22 IPL treats multiple skin issues as the inventor (Lumenis) of intense pulse light therapy (IPL) technology has another new offering for the world of cosmetic improvements. With its OPT technology, exclusive to Lumenis IPL, it provides me with optimum choices to deliver the appropriate pulse for any application. I am able to control the pulse shape of the light in order to allow the best results and reduce the chances of skin damage in lesion treatment.
Our NEW M22 IPL treatment is designed to combat the effects of aging skin with a gentle non-invasive approach to areas of concern on the face, neck, chest, and hands. Say goodbye to concealers! IPL improves visible signs of facial aging and sun damage included pigment changes, coarse texture, spider veins, facial redness, and enlarged pores.
A series of five photo facial treatments are given at 3-4 week intervals. Treatments are quick with minimal discomfort, leaving you to return to work or resume normal activities immediately following treatment. Just think about never having to hide those brown spots and red patches again!