There is nothing more frustrating than wearing layers upon layers of makeup just so you can cover dark spots on your face. Whether it’s hyperpigmentation, melasma, freckles or sunspots, these conditions can make someone insecure about going out make-up free. Apart from being a sign of general damage, pigmentation also causes the skin to look older than it is. Therefore reducing pigmentation is the single most dramatic rejuvenating procedure available!
Many people feel uncomfortable with their skin because of hyperpigmentation. This darkening of areas of the skin is caused by increased melanin, which can be challenging to deal with. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by sun damage, inflammation, or other skin injuries. There are a number of different types of brown spots/pigmentation that can occur on the skin. Most of these are a feature of sun damage including freckles, sun spots, and flat or raised seborrheic keratoses. They are most common on the areas that receive the most sun exposure- face, hands, chest and shoulders. People who have darker skin tones like those of Asian, Mediterranean or African decent, are also more prone to get hyperpigmentation.
But you don’t have to live with these dark spots! Aimed to fade away unwanted discoloration and aging, our Radiance is an advanced lightening serum that is not only a great product to reduce pigmentation and even out skin tone, but can prevent pigmentation from happening in the first place! This concentrated and hypoallergenic formulation is an effective medical blend of the most potent skin lighteners to dissolve and help block the formation of pigmentation. Designed to gently resurface the skin, Radiance will help to correct early environmental skin damage and pigmentation, create clear pores, even skin tone, and smooth texture to create youthful, radiant skin.
With a comprehensive and customized treatment program from Skin MD and Beyond, problematic pigmentation of the skin can be treated effectively. Dr. Wright will personally assess each patient’s skin condition prior to treatment through a detailed skin and health history, review of previous treatments and skin examination. Our arsenal of topical skin-lightening ingredients, laser technologies and the latest devices for skin rejuvenation will have a powerful effect not only on the your skin’s appearance, but also on the your life and happiness!
Call us today at (972) 608-0808 or use our online contact form here and start the journey to youthful, radiant skin!