If you have been blissfully unaware until now, we are living in a new age of beauty. YouTubers and bloggers try to sell us skincare products every day in cleverly packaged posts that make us hit that “like” button faster than you can say “Link in bio.” But how do you separate the hype from the truly useful–the fad from the long-lasting facial tool you’ll go back to again and again? Well, first off, you must understand how skin works. We all want more beautiful skin, whether we suffer from acne, lines around our lips from smoking, or texture issues. We at Skin M.D. and Beyond have seen it all (or so we hope) when it comes to kooky trends and are here to let you know what you really need when it comes to chemical peels to get the skin you want.
At-Home Peels
A lot of companies are starting to come out with at-home peels, so you have numerous options to choose from. There are many pros and cons when it comes to at-home chemical peels. You’re able to apply them in the comfort of your own home, relax with your favorite show, then rinse them off when you’re ready. You can get good results from these peels, though you should keep in mind that they are likely to be less concentrated; since you’re buying them in a brick and mortar store or (who are we kidding) online, laws will prevent extra-concentrated amounts of actives from being sold to someone who might misuse them (and cause more damage to their precious skin).
Chances are, you’ll make some mis-steps when you’re selecting or applying an at-home peel. You might discover ingredients your skin doesn’t react well to, or you may forget to set a timer and cause a reaction. Go slowly and give your skin a break if you’ve gone overboard with the at-home peels.
Professional Peels
In-office peels performed by medical professionals can be performed at stronger concentrations. If you have serious skin concerns, you might require the strength of an in-office peel to see visible results. Professional peels performed in-office can also be performed with other treatments or prescription strength topical agents to help boost your results.
We take a lot of guesswork out of chemical peels, by looking at your skin and talking with you before suggesting the right peel for you. By starting with a higher level of knowledge, we can minimize risk of a negative reaction. We pride ourselves on employing the latest medical technology and knowledge to give you the best results.
If you’re interested in a professional chemical peel or a skin consultation, give us a call at (972) 608-0808 today!