A Firmer Looking Jaw Line can take Years Off your Age

Are you tired of looking like the turkey that you have on Thanksgiving? When people see you, do they think you are older based on your appearance? Then it is time to fix it. You can blame “turkey neck” on genetics, aging, and also weight loss. As we get older we lose the elastin in our skin, which is what keeps the skin tighter and youthful. For resolutions on fixing the issue you could either use topical creams to firm and restore collagen and elastin loss, tightening device  treatments, or cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Wright’s Tip

You can receive a firmer jaw line by considering 3 options: 1) firming creams or serums 2)tightening device treatments or 3) cosmetic surgery.  The first option can include my Intensive Firming Serum, with includes ingredients such as peptides to promote the growth of collagen and elastin, and by gentle massaging the product in an upward motion this can tighten and reduce that so called “turkey neck”. If your problem is more advanced then the 3-DEEP tightening treatment would be the next solution. The 3-DEEP is a non-invasive radio frequency device specifically designed to stimulate new collagen growth and elasticity. By combining the best attributes of different radio frequency technologies, 3-DEEP offers the best of both worlds — safety and accuracy, with long- lasting results. It delivers where others miss. Some laser technologies are unable to deliver energy deep enough into the skin, while other RF technologies are extremely painful, and don’t deliver consistent results.  3-DEEP meets in the middle, offering the most effective depth control for maximum results, safely and with minimal discomfort.   3-DEEP provides me with total targeted control of the energy, so it remains focused in the treatment area. I have complete control to adjust parameters and energy to ensure that you receive consistent and accurate results.


Cosmetic Skin Care Specialist Plano, TX