Diet and exercise don’t always get rid of cellulite, saddlebags, or flabby inner thighs. What is cellulite you ask? Cellulite is fatty deposits beneath the skin that give a lumpy or grainy appearance to the skin surface, especially on the thighs or buttocks. Oily and fried foods can take a toll on your skin, and can contribute to the onset of cellulite. One way to diminish this evil villain is exercise, through walking, swimming, or jogging. VelaSMOOTH® and VelaSHAPE® are also an answer.
Dr. Wright’s Tip
A perfect method to vanish cellulite is a new procedure called VelaSMOOTH®, which is a revolutionary treatment proven to reduce and even eliminate cellulite. It is the only truly effective non-surgical, non-invasive treatment that smoothes out cellulite while tightening your skin and contouring your body. It works on all skin types and requires no downtime, no diet, and no change to your normal activities.
An advanced VelaSMOOTH® body contouring treatment is performed exclusively at our office. When interviewed by Channel 5 News Health Report in Plano, TX, I explained that during my personal consultation with you, I will create your own unique treatment protocol to achieve the best results. This treatment is best for mild-moderate cellulite with minimal need for body contouring. VelaSMOOTH® will offer the best reduction in cellulite. As well, patients will notice a moderate improvement in skin tightening.