Treat Excessive Sweating with This Popular Anti-Aging Injectable

Hyperhidrosis – Plano and Frisco TX

While sweating can be embarrassing for many, it is often not a common, everyday concern. For the 2% of Americans who suffer from a condition called hyperhidrosis, it can be a much bigger issue. Hyperhidrosis, or “excessive sweating,” can result in increased and irregular sweating of the underarms, palms of the hand, or the soles of the feet. Underarm sweating in and of itself can be a condition that makes Plano, TX area patients feel self-conscious and well aware of their problem especially in public. With underarm sweating comes odor and even damage to clothing. To tackle this problem, many patients choose to work with a professional who offers Botox injections.

I thought Botox was for anti-aging on the facial area?

Botox is a neuromodulator. It has been used over many decades for a wide variety of medical and cosmetic concerns. In addition to softening wrinkles and folds on the facial area, Botox has also been used for the treatment of overactive bladder, chronic headaches, and cervical dystonia. It can also be used for patients who suffer from hyperhidrosis.

Injections of Botox in the underarm area can improve excessive sweating for many months. By having routine injections completed, patients can maintain the results and enjoy more confidence in social situations and less time handwashing sweat stains from their favorite pieces of clothing!

Am I a candidate for Botox injections?

Most patients are able to tolerate Botox injections without any side effects or allergic reactions. However, determining candidacy with our providers should be done during an initial evaluation. Some patients who may not be deemed appropriate for Botox injections can ask their doctor about prescription-strength antiperspirants and deodorants that can be used as another way of treating hyperhidrosis.

Interested in learning more about Botox for the treatment of hyperhidrosis?

Take charge of your excessive sweating with a minimally invasive treatment. Call Dr. Fiona Wright of Skin M.D. and Beyond in the Plano, TX community to get started speaking to a professional about this and other services available. The practice is located at 6517 Preston Road and can be reached by phone at (972) 608-0808.

Cosmetic Skin Care Specialist Plano, TX