Swimsuit Season is Here! So get Ready, Set… FIRM!


With Summer Right around the Corner, Muffin Tops, Orange Peel Thighs and Kninkles… that’s Knees With Wrinkles…. become a Big Concern to Many! So if the long, hot days and baring your body again has you feeling a bit anxious, fear not. There are ways to prevent and dispose of those annoying flaws, and you have plenty of time to get yourself there! Dr. Wright has your answers with the latest treatments that are about to sweep the nation and your problems away!

Read on to find out more!

Dr. Fiona Wright’s Tip:

If you are looking for the one device that can lose inches, tighten and tone your hips, abs and arms, and also smooth out cellulite, -then the VelaShape III is your new best friend! With over 35 million treatments worldwide the new VelaShape III is FDA approved to both reduce cellulite and reduce inches!

In 2004, I pioneered the introduction of the original VelaShape technology in the Dallas metroplex, and still the VelaShape technology remains the only device on the market to combine four different modalities (vacuum, radiofrequency, infrared light, massage) to provide a total body shaping solution. It is this unique all-in-one design that allows the VelaShape III to consistently produce the most effective measurable improvements in cellulite, skin laxity, and contouring that shrinks the body in areas where one can accumulate pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise such as thighs, love handles, and flanks.

Body Shaping is not a simple process and to get effective results, you should consult a doctor that can provide you with not just one—but several methods to help you with your concerns. So if you are knee-deep in your quest for a confident summer, seek out some of these game-changing treatments—you’ll be glad you did!

Cosmetic Skin Care Specialist Plano, TX