Wouldn’t you like a report card telling you how well you are taking care of your skin? Well if you are in the Dallas Metroplex come see our latest addition to the team, which is the Visia Complexion Analysis system.
It is a system created by Canfield Imaging Systems that scans your sking, giving you a percentile score comparing you to others based on age, gender, and skin types in the following areas:
- Brown spots
- Wrinkles
- Texture
- Pores
- UV damage
- Redness
- Porphyrins
Once done, the reports are customized for each patient in an easy-to-read format which includes recommendations for your skin care.
Dr. Wright’s Tip
Our Visia Complexion Analysis is the best way to view your skin health. It allows us to see what is above and under the skin surface in a matter of minutes. The Visia Complexion Analysis system scans your skin and captures key visual information using multi-spectral imaging and analysis. With Visia, we can measure your skin pigmentation, pore size, porphyrins – which are bacteria under the skin, UV spots, sun damage, texture and wrinkles. With the report, we can give you a guide on your basic skin needs, that can be a combination of products and treatments customized for you. This is a good tool in the steps of obtaining and maintaining healthy, beautiful looking skin.